Our garden in the sweeping hills of the North Downs overlooking Guildford and its surrounding countryside are home to many species.
We work alongside the Surrey Wildlife Trust and Guildford Environmental Forum to plant hedges and trees. We're are currently planning to improve and extend our existing pond area to include a bog garden and boardwalk.

In the food garden we grow a variety of flowers to attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. We also leave areas to grow wild where wildflowers and grasses undergo their natural life cycles and provide homes for the bugs, beetles and spiders. These are the natural predators to many of the pest of cultivated food crops.
We have incorporated permaculture principles into our garden to preserve the balance of nature. We use companion planting to manage pests without the need for the pesticides.
Our no-dig methods and use of green manures maintain the soil integrity, allowing the vital mycelium to remain intact to transport sugars to the plants.

In the meadows outside there are over 100 species of plant such as wild orchids.
Skylarks and other birds live their lives and breed in the sky, ground, hedges, trees and meadows around the food garden.
We have an active badger sett and regular fox visitors as well as hedgehogs and slow-worms.