Meet The Committee

Project Coordinator
Clare Millington
I started volunteering at the garden in 2016. I run the group sessions at the garden and have worked with Helen on the Hub project. I've recently started a Forest Garden course and hope to introduce some planting schemes at Rosamund.

Chair of the Committee
Helen Harris
I've been a volunteer at the garden for six years. I chair our committee, manage our conservation grazing and our relationships with other organisations like Surrey Wildlife Trust, the Surrey Hills society and BugLife. I also help to lead the volunteering days we run with corporate groups and to write our grant applications. I'm really interested in ecology and restoring the chalk grassland at Rosamund Garden. I've loved learning to cob, meeting such great new people, listening to the birdsong and just relaxing through work in our beautiful community garden.

Newsletter, Community Outreach, Children's Outdoor Learning Facilitator
Jane Tyson
We first discovered the garden during the Open Afternoon and Apple Pressing Day in 2016 and were instantly drawn to the peace and tranquility. A few years later, my daughter chose to volunteer at the garden for her Duke of Edinburgh Award, and I accompanied her as she was under 16. Since then, I've become actively involved—curating the monthly newsletter, supporting community outreach, and helping promote events through general networking and via our social media platforms.

Website & Social Media
Olivia Cal
I started volunteering at the garden in late 2023 because I wanted to learn more about gardening for wildlife and meet some nature nerds! As a professional copywriter, I'm also involved heavily with the social media/website side of the garden and designed/recreated the website from scratch.

Water Harvesting/Willow Weaver
Lisa Dittmar
​I discovered the garden in 2022 through an event on hydroponic farming organised through ZERO Carbon Guildford. I joined the committee later that year and am helping to improve drought resilience through rainwater harvesting projects. I have also led a few willow weaving workshops, resulting in mainly of the willow obelisks in our garden. I love the garden for the messy abundance of it - everything grows so big, there is such a diversity of insects, and even the sky feels bigger up there … it’s a special place.

Treasurer and Membership Secretary (GEF/RCG)
Janice Bennett
I have only recently got involved in Rosamund but I'm already impressed with the level of commitment of the committee and the great work that everyone is doing. My role is to look after the finances and make sure we spend grants and donations as we should and also keep track of membership.

Pond Project, Edible Perennials
Margaret Hattersley
I have been volunteering at Rosamund Garden since 2020. I'm leading the wildlife pond project and also have an interest in biodiversity within the garden and a new project to propagate edible perennials.

Propagating and Sowing
Ann Millington
I have been volunteering at Rosamund since returning to Surrey in 2012. I help in the seed ordering, sowing and potting up in my conservatory and greenhouse at home for planting up at the garden.

Groups Coordinator
Julie George
​I’ve been coming to the garden for over 10 years. In that time I’ve had two children and the garden has often provided a refuge from hectic family life! My role on the committee involves liaising with various organisations looking for group volunteering opportunities. I’m hopeful our new hub can be a great venue for social and green prescribing groups.